Stainless Steel Animal Enclosure Mesh

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Stainless Steel Zoo Mesh Production Schedule after Lunar New Year

Stainless Steel Animal Enclosure Mesh

stainless steel wire mesh for animal cage net

stainless steel wire mesh for animal cage net

About stainless steel animal enclosure mesh, animal fence mesh, animal cage nets – Hengyi ecozoomesh supplier, a professional stainless steel rope mesh manufacturer.

Pliable, transparent grid structures, stainless steel animal enclosure mesh made of stainless steel rope mesh.

Hengyi stainless steel wire rope mesh for zoo. The meshes are multifunctional and durable, 100% Hand Woven, Strong, Flexible, Soft, Durable. No Rust, No Corrosion, Extra-service life Over 30 Years.

Stainless steel wire rope mesh product is widely applied for animal enclosure mesh, animal fence mesh, animal cage nets.

Stainless steel rope netting was subjected to number tests and complies.

With all applicable standards: as a permanent protective and safety mesh, for animal enclosure mesh, animal fence mesh, animal cage nets, animal enclosures, zoo animal venues fence.

We utilizes pure handmade technology in producing stainless steel rope mesh for various animal enclosure applications. All its mesh products are free from rusts and contaminations. No matter whether the animals are birds or tigers and deers. Once these stainless steel rope meshes are properly installed in the animal cages. Then it is impossible for them to break or tear it using teeth, paws or horns.

All animal enclosure mesh, animal fence mesh products are manufactured under the supervision of experienced craftsmen who paid essential importance to details. As a result these are also ideal for making secured animal enclosure mesh, animal fence mesh, animal cage nets.

The major advantage of stainless steel zoo enclosure mesh products is that they can withstand any level of outdoor temperature without any sign of damage or crack. So there is no need of additional maintenance expenditures. It also accepts customized orders to provide the specific steel rope mesh products as per the requirements of the clients. Our company offers varieties of strong and secure animal enclosure mesh and animal fence, customized a variety of mesh hole size, wire rope diameter and mesh panel size.

More details, contact us now.

Hengyi Metal Ecological Mesh

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

WhatsApp: +86 177 3188 3596

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