Project of Crowned crane fence mesh & Crane cage netting
Hengyi wire rope mesh for crane fence mesh is beautiful, eco-friendly, resistant to bite, good ventilation, do not need any maintenance, more than 30 years of service life.
The stainless steel Crowned crane fence mesh similar products include: Large birds aviary mesh, bird cage netting, bird aviary netting, bird fence, bird enclosure, crane cage fence, flamingo fence netting, peacock enclosure, ostrich enclosure mesh, red-crowned fence protection etc.

Crowned Crane Fence Mesh
Crane cage netting
Mesh quantity: 1200㎡ Animal species: Crowned crane Product: Stainless steel wire rope netting Specifications: HY2076 Rope diameter: 2.0mm Mesh aperture: 76mm×76mm MORE ABOUT: PRODUCTS PAGE
Crane aviary fence & crane cage netting is commonly used the stainless steel wire rope mesh to built. Custom wire rope mesh panels, suitable for all kinds shape of crane cage fence.
Crowned cranes are relatively easy to raise animals, and they are large in size, beautiful in posture, gentle in nature and easy to see. The focus of the cage design of the red-crowned crane is good ventilation, moisture resistance and easy cleaning. The living environment of large birds must be cleaned in a timely manner, especially for social birds. The stainless steel rope mesh is easy to clean and is well known among cage designers.
Usual, we recommended our Mesh1651 for crane aviary mesh and crane cage fence job. It is Strong, Flexible, Soft, Durable, No Rust, No Corrosion, Useful Life Over 30 Years. And it can be met for the most job of the aviary. Such as Red-crowned crane cage netting, flamingos fence mesh, peacocks cage protective mesh, ostriches enclosure nets and so on.