X knot hand-woven wire rope net
The intelligent use of stainless steel cables is the key to a range of shapes for engineered cable mesh constructions. The opposing curvature of the cables permits light, transparent structures possessing extremely high load capacity and long spans due to the low weight of the X knot material.
Architecture with X knot is transparent and innovative. X knot hand-woven wire rope net can be used in all kinds of applications including balustrades on bridges and staircases, flexible zoo enclosures, large barrier fences, and building facade trellis systems.
X knot stainless steel mesh offers various possibilities for use in architecture and interior design. Different diameters and flexible mesh sizes allow tailor-made solutions, from safety structures, stairways, walkways and platforms through zoo enclosures and greeneries up to three-dimensional structures.
![X knot hand-woven wire rope net]()
X knot hand-woven wire rope net, animal isolation fence
Hengyi Eco Zoo Mesh produces varieties specs of X knot hand-woven wire rope net. The most commonly used is in the zoo field. Such as tiger cage mesh, bird aviary, monkey climbing net, c, etc.
Hengyi is a factory in China, so the quality and price can give you the best.
Our products will be very helpful for your new construction and renovation projects. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.