Safety enclosure mesh for cats cages

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Safety enclosure mesh for cats cages

Safety enclosure mesh for cats cages

In recent years, the zoos have developed at a faster rate. Animal protection network construction(safety enclosure mesh for cats cages) will be the top priority for zoo development. Therefore, the wire rope net mesh- a new type of ecological protection net and fence net produced by Hengyi has been pursued by major zoos and wildlife parks.

Many cats and monkeys were introduced into the zoo. The common fences had poor anti-climbing capabilities and the glass cages had poor air circulation and vision.

Safety enclosure mesh for cats cages

it is very durable. very suitbale for small cats and monkeys’ cage fence.

How to set up a safe and comfortable animal cage(safety enclosure mesh for cats cages)?

First, we must try our best to reduce and hide man-made facilities. The safety enclosure mesh for cats cages are made of wire rope nets that do not block the sight line, which can satisfy the free life of animals and allow visitors to watch it safely.

Second, as far as possible, the animal habitat should be constructed in reference to the original habitat of the animal. This can provide a good living environment for the animals.

In the construction of animal cages, all trees and lakes can be enclosed without damaging the original vegetation and integrate with the natural environment. It is a solid and invisible protective barrier. Stainless steel rope nets are ideal for safety enclosure mesh for cats cages.

Safety enclosure mesh for cats cages

If you are interested in our products, more detail please feel free to contact us.

Contact: Jane

Email: [email protected]

Hengyi Metal Ecological Mesh Co. Ltd.

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